კეთილი იყოს თქვენი ვიზიტი ბათუმის სახელმწიფო საზღვაო აკადემიის ოფიციალურ ვებ-გვერზე.

ბათუმის სახელმწიფო საზღვაო აკადემია

German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ)- Teachers training

11 მარტი 2020 წელი

From March 9 to March 14 of this year, with the support of the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) will   start  a  training course  “Use of  Simulation programs in studying process” the training is considered for teachers who are working  on a professional educational programs  in a sector of logistics.

 The training is attended  by  teachers  of Maritime Academy, “The New Wave”  Public  College  and Public College  of  “Phazisi”.

Training covers  the study of  two computer  educational programs  Simul8 and Simul 3D. The Simulation programs  were purchased  with the  help of   German government.

The training is conducted by the  Simplan AG consultant Friedrich Rudsen.

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